Twitter Chat: ePortfolio Ownership and Ethics

AAEEBL Global Twitter Chat: ePortfolio Ownership and Ethics November 4-5, 2019 (see times below)

This global Twitter chat will have 3 live chat times (listed below) with a slow chat between each session, ending at Midnight GMT on November 5, 2019. Join us by following and posting on Twitter using the hashtag #eportchat.

Description: Who owns an eportfolio?  the student? the institution? a program? an instructor?  A foundational aspect of ePortfolio practice is an emphasis on student ownership, which fosters student agency, metacognitive skills, active learning, and integration of experiences. All of these principles promote deeper learning. However, when ePortfolio use is tied to program or course requirements, are we ethically aligned to the principles and stated values of eportfolio experience? In this twitter chat, we will explore the tension among ePortfolio ownership, ethics, and common practices that support ePortfolio initiatives.

chart of chat times for different global regions
Map showing the different time zones for the twitter chat